Volunteers play a critical role in making the Echo Lake PTA programs and events successful. There are many opportunities to become involved and help make your child’s school a better place. You can volunteer mornings, afternoons, evenings or weekends. You can volunteer at school or from home. You can volunteer weekly, monthly or just once all year. Whatever you can share will be greatly appreciated by the PTA and your children!
Committee Opportunities
If you are interested in helping on one of our committees for hospitality, membership, Heart to Heart breakfast, spirit wear, yearbook, and/or the 5th-grade event and more, please sign up using the link below. The chairperson for that committee will then contact you with additional details.
Sign up for Committee Volunteer Opportunities
***All volunteers must complete the HCPS required, online Volunteer Application prior to volunteering.
Get in touch!
Ask a question or get training for specific programs by contacting the parent(s) in charge of them.
Boo Hoo Breakfast
Help set up and serve breakfast to welcome new parents on the first day of school.
Contact the parent -
Destination Imagination
Help the committee chair form multiple teams for this national program which promotes creativity, problem-solving and teamwork. Parent participation is crucial in keeping this awesome program going.
Contact the parent -
Family Fun Night
Throughout the year we will have nights for families to come together at Echo Lake for some fun. These might be STEAM nights, fundraisers (i.e. Bingo Night), or special programs.
Contact the parent -
Fifth Grade Event
This event is held on an afternoon in the final month of school. Help with all aspects of planning an amazing event for our 5th graders. We’ll need party planners, volunteers to send in donations, solicit donations from local businesses, help with set up/clean up, chaperones, and much more! Contact us today to help get the planning started!
Contact the parent -
Work with the VP of Fundraising to develop & implement a successful fundraising program for the school. This includes the Dolphin Fund, and other fun opportunities and events throughout the year.
Contact the parent -
Heart to Heart Breakfast
This is a fun multi-day event held in February for families to participate in. Help plan the menu & decorations, solicit donations from local businesses, organize ticket pre-sales, etc. We also need volunteers to help with registration, serving, set-up and clean-up.
Contact the parent -
Help plan teacher and staff recognition events throughout the school year. Be part of the committee devising creative ways to say “thank you” to our amazing teachers. Volunteers are also needed to cook, bake or shop for breakfasts, lunches, treats and goodies throughout the year.
Contact the parent -
Library Helper
Our library staff can use your help! Help re-shelve books, help students in the library, and help the staff as needed with projects in the library. This is a fun way to stay connected behind the scenes. The students love seeing adults they know in the library.
Contact the parent -
Help us reach our goal of 100% membership, by helping at every general membership meeting (3rd Tuesday of the month) to check-in members, sorting & distributing membership cards, and maintaining a database of members.
Contact the parent -
Office Helper
Want to help make copies for teachers? Assist in mailbox delivery? Our staff relies on parent help to keep the school going. This is a great behind the scenes way to be involved at Echo Lake.
Contact the parent -
This is a family friendly event in October. Help plan and organize ahead of time, coordinate the event the day of, or clean up after the event.
Contact the parent -
Many Echo Lake students participate in this national arts recognition & achievement program. Help is needed in collecting submissions, judging, and with an awards ceremony. We have had children place as high as the state level in recent years!
Contact the parent -
Room Parents
Each classroom has a head room parents, helpers & volunteers – you can be involved in your child’s classroom at any level you feel comfortable from planning activities in the classroom. The school holds seasonal events in the fall, winter, and spring. Teachers may also opt to have an end of year celebration with their class. We strive to do a community service project with many of these events to keep the children involved in their community outside of the school.
Contact the parent -
Spirit Wear
Echo Lake Dolphins love to show their pride by wearing their school colors & other fun items. Help research the latest styles and work with local vendors to provide exciting spirit wear opportunities. Volunteer and help this committee collect orders, sort & distribute items, etc.
Contact the parent -
Talent Show
The talent show is performed every other Spring. We look forward to our next talent show in the Spring of 2024.
Contact the parent -
Watch D.O.G.S.
This national program encourages dads and other significant males in our students life to volunteer time just to be present at their child’s school (Watch D.O.G.S: Dads Of Great Students.); volunteer just one day (or more) to be at the school helping students & staff as needed. We would love to have your help!
Contact the parent -
Help oversee the annual yearbook, photographing events and daily activities in the school throughout the year, coordinating orders and distributing the books. Volunteers are needed to take photos throughout the year at any & all school events. We would love your help in this year long project.
Contact the parent